Month: September 2015

The Way I See It: The Seasoned Professional

The Way I See It: The Seasoned Professional

By Amy Hammer It is safe to say that the role of an admission counselor serves the purpose of guiding students toward a college education to, ultimately, pursue a career based on their passions, life aspirations, and general interests. Ironically, very few prospective...

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A Plea Against Ghostwriting the College Essay

Recently, I have traveled to schools, college fairs, libraries, and many homes to help kids with their college applications, including their college application essays and/or personal statements. While I brainstorm essay topics with them and provide some guiding...

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Government Relations Update

Government Relations Update

I’m sure many you are aware of the July 7 UC Santa Cruz “accept/rescind” letters that went to many of this fall’s first year students.  There was great frustration and very little transparency about why this happened.  Considerable time was spent by NACAC and WACAC...

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Rental Car Shaming

At this point, many admission counselors are living out of their cars.  You start off with the best of intentions, saying you’ll throw out every coffee cup and water bottle after each visit and even keep a Target bag in there to act as trash.  Well, you know what they...

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Government Relations Update

Government Relations Update

The Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees have been busy deliberating over 500 bills that have now advanced to the floor. The Legislature has 10 days to make decisions on what moves forward to the Governor bythe September 11th deadline. There's not much action...

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Netiquette Lessons

Netiquette Lessons

For the past few years, I’ve run an annual morning workshop on email etiquette for a medical device sales company. Every time I've run the workshop, I'm astonished by the need that I feel in the room for it: the thirst for having a discussion about all the little ins...

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You Go Girl (or Boy)!

  Well, hello my fellow road warriors! It’s that time of year, we’re all driving rental cars, eating like teenagers, and piling in to any Starbucks we can find for a quick mental and/or technological charge! I really do love travel season, getting to see new...

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