
DEA Inclusion

DEA Inclusion

In the blink of an eye, recruitment 2014 has passed us by. On the college side, we’ve finally unpacked our suitcases, made our apartments livable again, and are trying to lose those extra lbs that seem to always make it back with us after travel.  Most of us have...

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DEA Inclusion

DEA Inclusion

As we sit in the midst of another busy college application cycle I want to take a moment to remind us all about the meaning of diversity. If my job as an admission counselor has taught me anything, it’s that diversity comes in all shapes and sizes. I say this because...

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DEA Inclusion

Arthur Arzola Memorial Scholarship

This week I wanted to take a minute to highlight a new scholarship opportunity which will be available to WACAC members through the Diversity Equity and Access committee. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the Arthur Arzola Memorial Scholarship, as well...

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DEA Inclusion

Working with Homeless and Foster Youth

It’s fall and that means that we are busy! Admission counselors are recruiting all over the country and sometimes the world, giving presentations and talking to students about all the amazing opportunities our colleges and universities have to offer. High school...

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DEA Inclusion

An Update on Fisher v. University of Texas

It’s hard to believe that another summer has flown by so quickly!  How can it possibly be fall again?     For those of us on the college side it means packing our suitcases, hitting the road, talking about our institutions non-stop day in and day out and packing in...

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The Crisis of Choosing An Ethnic Identity: Which Box Do I Check?

I Am a Woman and That Means…

Last week a colleague of mine posted a link to a BuzzFeed article titled “29 Things Women Avoid Doing Because We Fear for Our Safety.” I went down the list and checked off all 29 items. I didn’t even realize I did half of these things?! Then I got upset. As a woman,...

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The Crisis of Choosing An Ethnic Identity: Which Box Do I Check?

I’m Going to College! Now What?

It’s summer! For recently graduated high school seniors it means one thing: college. The summer between high school graduation and starting college marks an important time — a time of transition. Students are excited and gearing up for what is sure to be the best four...

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The Crisis of Choosing An Ethnic Identity: Which Box Do I Check?

A Public Conversation about Undocumented Students

For many of us on either side of the desk, working with undocumented students presents quite the challenge. We seem to have more questions than answers. What do we do if a student tells us they are undocumented? Do we have the resources to assist them? Do we know the...

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