Transfer Advocacy

WACAC’s Transfer Advocacy Committee (TAC) serves Transfer Center Coordinators and Directors and the interests of community college transfer students through educating high school and community-based partners and demystifying the transfer pathway. This committee provides transfer-specific professional development opportunities and supports special projects and initiatives that serve transfer students. All community college transfer personnel and transfer supporters from other segments are encouraged to become involved.

The Transfer Advocacy Committee started in 2012. It worked to update the WACAC Mission Statement to include “transfer”; sent a letter to Chief Student Services Officers (CSSOs) from the WACAC President encouraging support of membership and participation; and revised the Transfer Center Guidelines in collaboration with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.

A sampling of committee projects includes:

  • Providing scholarships for transfer personnel to attend WACAC professional development events
  • Increasing TAC’s visibility and awareness
  • Providing transfer information sessions at WACAC events such as Share Learn and Connects, College Fairs, and the Annual Conference
  • Partnering with the Regional Admissions Counselors of California (RACC)

Future projects include:

  • Sending TAC leadership to events to educate individuals about TAC, learn what members want, and connect with transfer allies
  • Fostering relationships and collaborations with Regional Reps through the Chancellor’s Office
  • Providing intensive professional development programming to a community college campus or district
  • Creating a “WACAC-approved” protocol for transfer information

We encourage you to get involved in the projects above! We also encourage your participation in one of the other WACAC committees to ensure that the “transfer voice” is heard throughout the organization.

Contact the Transfer Advocacy Chair