Finding the Fit: 24 and Overboard

I used to joke that college would be the best 10 years of my life, but somehow 6 years later that joke isn’t so funny anymore. Back in the fall of 2007, I was a wide-eyed college freshman: lost, dazed, and confused. I knew I had to take the basics: math, English, science, and history, and that I would have to eventually declare a major. Oh the M-word!

I didn’t even know where to start. It seemed like every new class I took made me want to major in that field. Fast forward 4 years later and I was still lost. Having been a theater major, poli-sci major, communications major, business major, and anthropology major, all I discovered was what I didn’t want to do. It was time to raise my white flag and ask for help. I sought the advice of professionals at the counseling office, and was told to take a college success course. That class changed my life, and helped me discover my true passion for journalism.

Two years later, I raise my white flag once again. While I no longer wonder what classes I need to take, I wonder if is it too late for me to make up for all the mistakes I’ve made. You see I haven’t exactly been the model student. I have failed classes and dropped classes, causing withdrawals better known as “W”s to litter my academic record.

I stay awake at night asking myself, “what school would want me? Is there hope?” Well I guess we will find out together as I prepare to apply for schools both in and out of state.

By 24 and overboard