Finding the Fit: Cali Boy

Finding the Fit LogoHi friends. It’s me again, here to give you an update on my application process. First, I would like to discuss the careful balancing act of applying to schools while managing school work in the fall semester. On the one hand, everything that I have worked for these past years has been with the intention of transferring to a good university/college in the hopes of making something of myself. So naturally, I would love to spend all of my time carefully preparing my applications since they carry such important ramifications. Yet, at the same time, I am carrying a 15 unit course load in the fall semester which is the last semester that colleges will look at in terms of GPA before they make an admissions decision. I’ve heard from multiple sources that an upward trend is very important and this semester in particular is the most important of them all. Naturally, there is a conflict where I wish I could be brushing up on my applications or contacting schools but instead I need to spend the night studying for my upcoming midterm. If I could offer up any piece of advice on this topic it would be this: start your applications as early as possible. If you prepare your applications sooner rather than procrastinating and doing them later you will have more flexibility with your schoolwork. The applications won’t be hanging over your head if you make a good, solid effort to complete them earlier on. Plus, any issues that come up while completing the app can be taken care of. The counseling office at my school was packed with students who decided the 27th was the day they would bring their app to be reviewed. Don’t be that person; take care of your application so you don’t panic and run out of time. Nothing would feel worse than sending a half-baked application to a school because you didn’t give enough effort. Remember what you’ve been working for and let that motivate you to really give this your all.

The essays were pretty straightforward to me. I took the advice of my counselors and various representatives from schools I spoke to and made sure to address the prompt, be myself, honest and true, and write as well as I possibly could. When finished, I had my favorite counselor look it over so she could offer her input. Four eyes are better than two, right?

I honestly don’t remember enjoying applying. It’s not really something you enjoy, or at least I didn’t. There is a lot of stress and anxiety attached to it. I didn’t particularly dislike it either. I suppose some of the questions seemed to drag on and on, especially in the scholarship area. I didn’t want to miss any potential groups I could claim, but at the same time there were so few that I fit. Oh, I suppose the fees were pretty sucky. But hey, I care about my education, so it’s worth it. Though I don’t know when my wallet will forgive me.

I did not choose to apply early action or early decision because I haven’t applied to any private schools (yet). I did early action back in high school to a private university in the southeast. Early decision takes some serious commitment because, as far as I know, if you are admitted you are contractually obligated to attend.

I don’t think there is anything I wish I had known before I started. Well, maybe my major before the whole process began, but hey, it is what it is. Just do the best you can. I feel optimistic and truly believe that no matter where I go I will make the best of it, enjoy the experience, and work as hard as I can. Best of luck everyone.

By Cali Boy