Finding the Fit: Lizzie Bennett

Sometimes it seems like bad news, and good news, travels in waves. Extremely high emotional points can lead to periods of great sadness just a few weeks later. Life has a funny way of working itself out, and that’s something to be remembered in the coming weeks and months to come. Looking back, there hasn’t been a single situation that didn’t work out eventually.

March is often a month where a majority of students are stressed out about something, whether it be prom, AP test sign ups, or college admission letters. For many high school seniors, March marks a new transition from the comfort and familiarity of high school to a mysterious new place to call home for the next four years. There has never been a more stressful March. It’s difficult to wait for the imminent letters, with your heart racing with every new email.
Over the weekend, I met one of my childhood friends who still remains close despite the years and the geographical distance between us. Through conscious effort we see each other every six months in different places all over the world. Although many things change from time to time, our bad sense of direction never seems to. Not surprisingly, this trip was also marked with directional difficulties. At one point I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to find each other despite being on the same college campus together. However, like life, with effort and a bit of luck, things worked, albeit probably not in the way we thought it would.
She’s one year older and gave a lot of good advice regarding the month of March. In this moment, that rejection letter can feel like the end of the world. The door to that future you imagined has closed. She reminded me of her own college process last year. The college she currently attends was not her first choice but rather somewhere she never expected going to. Yet, now, she can’t imagine herself anywhere else.

Don’t stress yourself out by narrowing your future to a small moment. Open your mind to see the big picture because in the end, everything works out. In the meanwhile, enjoy the world around you and don’t be afraid to ask for directions.

By Lizzie Bennett