Hello Nevada! — Events

The next few posts will be devoted to coming events.

First is the Nevada School Counselor Association state conference.    NVSCA is a small but vibrant association that is dedicated to supporting school counselors in Nevada .   The annual conference will be held in Reno at the Atlantis Hotel, February 6th – 8th .   If you want to learn more about NVSCA or the conference please visit this website.

Second is a fun little opportunity for you to get involved with our state legislature.  WACAC and NVSCA host the by-annual “Day on the Hill” event in March (tentatively March 26th). Participants will go to Carson City and meet with state legislators.   Stay tuned for more details.

Third, and last event coming to Nevada, is the SuperACAC conference to be held in Reno at the Atlantis Hotel, May 18th – 20th .  Clear your calendar for this “Super” event.    Registration will open February 1st , and more details to follow.   This conference will include College Admission Professionals from across three different ACAC affiliates: Western, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific Northwest.  I can tell you from insider knowledge that it will be the social event of the spring (as well as some really good professional development)!  If you have a talent, like to dance or sing then start refining your act because on Tuesday May 19th SuperACAC’s Got Talent will hit the stage at the Atlantis.    Details on how to submit your audition video are coming soon.  Stay tuned!  By KAs always if you have questions or want to get involved please contact me at kswanson@washoeschools.net.

By Kati Swanson