How to Coach Your Students and Grads to Their Ideal Careers in Six Great Ways

Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) where I work and around the country offer government funding to job seekers (who must meet certain eligibility to qualify) to go to school or a training program for a professional certification in their recent career, or career transition. These are certifications or specific training that employers are listing in their job descriptions, along with other key skills, in seeking qualified candidates for their open positions. Applying for training requires initiative, online research and commitment to a training which can take as long as 6 months to 1 year. We advise our clients to take the following actions, and I recommend these same actions to your students and grads to be successful in exploring their ideal careers:

  1. Find at least 6 entry level job postings – from college job board or job fair, online listings, target companies, friends and referrals, and active networking
  2. Meet with their high school or college career center staff for ideas, advice and resources
  3. Set up informational interviews with 3 people who work in the field – meet in person, online or by phone, whatever is convenient
  4. Create a focused resume, and highlight any relevant skills, coursework and projects at the top
  5. Create a LinkedIn profile with their ideal career goals in the Banner section, with relevant skills, coursework, experience and special projects in the Summary section below
  6. Find professional associations or meetups, and attend an upcoming event to learn about the career field and make new connections.

If any WACAC members out there have any other ideas or stories to share about your students and grads finding their ideal careers, please do! Thanks and Happy Spring!!

By Judi Garcia