We were excited to launch this week the new WACAC website—a project that has been in the works for over eight months. The main force driving forward this project was a desire to better serve our members. While still housed at wacac2.wpengine.com, the site has a new look and feel, includes additional functionalities, and now houses all things WACAC in one place.
In the first of several blog posts about the new website, we would like to highlight the website homepage—one of the instantly obvious changes to the website. The committee’s goal was to create a landing page with dynamic, up-to-date content.
Starting with what’s at the top…
Member Login
We recommend that you log in during each website visit in order to see all content. This members-only content includes the High School Counselor Toolkit, Transfer Counselor Toolkit, College Admission Counselor Toolkit, Presentation Archives, the Job Posting Form, and other Forms. You should have received instructions for logging in via email last Monday.
Social Media Icons
Our social media platforms can all be accessed via the social media icons at the top right of the homepage. Be sure to visit Facebook and Twitter often. Also, don’t forget to join our Linked-In members group. Additionally, we look forward to providing you with exciting content over YouTube moving forward.
We encourage you to browse our updated navigation. Learn about each committee and sign up to volunteer for one of those committees under the “Committees” tab. And visit our blog, now integrated into the WACAC website, by clicking on “Blog”. No need to go to our separate blog site anymore!
On to the middle…
Announcement Slideshow
All announcements and important information will now appear on the announcements “slideshow”. For example, we encourage you to volunteer for the 2015 NACAC Conference Local Arrangements Committee. Click on an individual slide for more information.
Call to Action Buttons
Click on the individual buttons to Join WACAC, Volunteer for a Committee, or Support the Organization.
And, towards the bottom….
Here you’ll get the latest blog articles and job postings. You can also click on the “Blog” and “Jobs” tabs in the navigation for all content.
We hope the changes we have made will keep you coming back to the website regularly.
Thank you for your patience as we work through any minor issues over the next month. Please contact us if you notice any typos, broken links, or other issues.
Also, thank you to everyone on the WACAC Communications Committee and WACAC Executive Board who helped with this project. A major thank you to our design team, Novusweb, and to Deanna Kilgour, WACAC’s irreplaceable Administrative Assistant.
Look for additional postings on the website’s members-only section, job posting form, and more over the coming weeks.
Anne Aubert-Santelli
WACAC Communications Committee