Presidential Pontifications: Welcome, Jeff!

This may not be an appropriate way to start my first presidential blog.  It might be better to trend toward a pep talk with a #squadgoals. However, we are amongst friends and so in choosing transparency I’d like to start with a confession.  I’m hoping that, this year, you’ll observe that a main goal of my presidency and this current board will be transparency.  So with that in mind, here goes: The start of the school is just around the corner and, frankly, I’m uncomfortable.  Not uncomfortable like my pants are too tight, but uncomfortable in that “don’t know what I don’t know” kind of way. Scared may be too strong and panicky is not how I like to operate, but I am certainly uncomfortable.

After 20 years in this gig, I don’t typically find myself surprised.  We’ve certainly experienced significant shifts over the years, but this fall feels different.  The conversations are exciting and we are all on the edge of our seats waiting to see how Coalition, PPY and the latest SAT will play out.  In a twisted way, it’s fun.  So much to talk about and it’s certainly not business as usual.  This year, I’m choosing to revel in my discomfort.  I’ve come to the conclusion that I spend way too much time in the pursuit of my own comfort and that pursuit often hinders my growth.  I’m also hoping the discomfort that I’m feeling will help me better identify with my students.  It’s easy to get into a pattern of telling them not to worry.  Telling them not to worry is like telling them not to blink.  Or breathe in and out.  They are going to worry so let’s embrace the discomfort, have real conversations and learn together.

Despite the unknowns in our process, I’m excited about this year. The conversations, debate and creative solutions will require more collaboration that ever before and I could not be more proud to be a part of WACAC.  I’m honored to lead this organization in its fiftieth year and I’m confident in our organizations ability to affect change across many educational fronts.  There will be more news in the near future about our specific goals this year, but as you begin this school year, this board stands ready to support you so don’t hesitate to ask.