
Nomination and Selection Process

Each year, the WACAC Nominations Committee seeks nominations for the following awards to be presented at the Annual Conference. If you have any questions, please contact WACAC Past President.

Murdoch-Finks New Admission Counselor Award (previously the Emery Walker Award)
Given to a relatively new college admission counselor who has contributed time and talent to the work of our organization and shows promise of future leadership within WACAC.

Joseph P. Allen Human Relations Award
Given to a member who has made an extraordinary commitment of talent and effort on behalf of underserved students and / or counselors.

Steve Hankins Award
Given to a relatively new high school or community based organization counselor who has contributed time and talent to the work of our organization and shows promise of future leadership within WACAC.

Katy Murphy Service Award
Given to a member who has made extraordinary contributions to the work of WACAC over a period of years.

Juel Lee Mentorship Award
Given to a member who has provided advice and extraordinary support for young professionals in our field over an extended period of time.

WACAC Special Recognition Award
Given in gratitude and appreciation for the outstanding support given to members of WACAC.

NACAC Awards

WACAC members are among a distinguished group. Many WACAC members have received NACAC awards.