Barnhart/Schultz Scholarship
Each year, the WACAC Nominations Committee seeks applications from public high school counselors/college advisors and community college counselors/transfer center coordinators who would like to attend the National ACAC conference.
Applicants for this scholarship must be members of WACAC and never have attended an NACAC Conference.
The scholarship covers registration for the NACAC Conference at the Early Bird rate, travel, accommodations (double occupancy) and meals as stipulated in the current Fiscal Policy.
Recipients are announced at the Annual Conference. Winners are expected to volunteer at the NACAC Conference for two hours and must attend the WACAC Membership Meeting.
Members will be notified when Scholarship Applications become available, typically in March.
Berman-Chalmers Fund
Members will be notified when fund applications become available.
Annual Conference Scholarship
Members will be notified when Scholarship Applications become available, typically in late fall. Scholarship amounts vary and may include conference registration only or conference registration plus travel/lodging stipends.
Arzola Scholarship
The Arzola Scholarship was created in recognition of Arthur’s work in the field and to continue to support the mission of those who work with underrepresented student communities, thus supporting the mission of the IDEA committee and WACAC. The scholarship covers the cost of registration for a pre-conference workshop, WACAC Annual Conference registration plus travel/lodging stipends as stipulated for members receiving traditional Annual Conference Scholarships.
Eligible candidates must be members of WACAC who are college admission officers with 5 or fewer years of experience working with underrepresented student populations in California and Nevada.
Members will be notified when Scholarship Applications become available typically in March.
Other Scholarships
In keeping with WACAC’s primary mission to support the efforts of high school and college admission counselors in their work with students, we provide scholarship and grant money to ensure all professionals can participate in professional development opportunities. Scholarships are also provided for events such as the Share, Learn and Connect series.
Particular emphasis is placed on assistance that reaches across ethnic, economic and regionally unsupported areas.
NACAC Scholarships
NACAC offers a number of scholarships to attend professional development events, create new programs, etc. We encourage you to visit the NACAC website regularly to learn more about these opportunities.
If you have any questions, please contact the WACAC Past President.