Support WACAC

The college admission counseling profession is dedicated to guiding students and families through the transition from high school to college. WACAC, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, offers crucial resources and programs to college admission counseling professionals in California and Nevada as they help students realize their full potential.

WACAC welcomes individual and corporate contributions. Your donations enable us to strengthen and advance the work of counseling and enrollment professionals by providing scholarships for them to attend vital professional development events both regionally and nationally.

Your donations also provide support for important WACAC programs, including:

  • Annual Conference
  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Conference
  • Share, Learn, and Connect
  • College Fairs
  • Legislative Conference
  • Leadership Development Institute
  • Admission Practices After Hours

If you have any questions, please contact the Development Chair.